While facing criminal charges can be overwhelming and terrifying, how you deal with the situation significantly influences the outcome. Committing errors during this period may compromise the outcome of your criminal case by raising the risk of being found guilty or resulting in more severe penalties. However, being aware of the mistakes to avoid can help lead to a favorable criminal case outcome. Discussed below are five mistakes to avoid when facing criminal charges.
1. Self-representation
While you might think that representing yourself in a criminal case saves the money you would have otherwise spent hiring an attorney, this move can be detrimental. Self-representation puts you at a disadvantage because you’ll fight against seasoned prosecutors. When establishing a defense strategy, you need a deeper understanding of your rights as the defendant and the prosecutor’s tactics. During self-representation, you might unintentionally reveal details that weaken your case or give the prosecution an upper hand.
Without legal representation, you can easily incriminate yourself. Considering how complex criminal law can be, navigating it without experience isn’t easy, which may result in you citing the law and misinterpreting it. As a result, the case may not be ruled in your favor. Consider hiring experienced criminal defense lawyers from trusted law firms such as Liberty Law to avoid these risks and increase the possibility of a favorable outcome.
2. Failure to preserve evidence
The proof is the backbone of your criminal case. It makes the difference between being found guilty and innocent. Failure to preserve evidence may have severe consequences on your criminal case, such as jeopardized trial outcomes. If vital proof is lost, destroyed, or contaminated, it can lead to a wrongful conviction. A reliable law firm is vital in ascertaining that evidence is preserved correctly. They can work with the investigating team to:
- Gather and document proof
- Track the chain of custody
- Challenge improper evidence handling by law enforcement or the prosecution
3. Approaching the witnesses involved in your case
As a defendant in a criminal case, you shouldn’t talk to witnesses during the court proceedings because you may be accused of dissuading or intimidating them. Witness tampering/ interference in a criminal trial is seen as criminal conduct punishable by law. While you may not have an ill motive when approaching witnesses in your case, it’s better to avoid it to ensure you aren’t accused of witness tampering. If there’s any information you need, the criminal law firm you’re working with should be the one contacting the witnesses.
4. Discussing or sharing case details with others
When facing criminal charges, you may be tempted to discuss it with family and friends to vent or look for moral support. Nevertheless, talking about the case with anyone apart from your lawyer, including exchanging text messages, can result in severe legal trouble. If those you talk to are invited for questioning in court, they might unintentionally disclose details they shouldn’t, compromising the case’s outcome. So, avoid discussing your case while it’s still on trial to avoid this risk.
5. Talking to the police without your defense lawyer’s advice
Law enforcers are trained to obtain information from crime suspects. It’s necessary to know what you should and shouldn’t tell the police because whatever you say can be used against you in a court of law. Before speaking to the police, consult your defense lawyer for advice.
How you handle your criminal case significantly influences its outcome. Consider avoiding these mistakes when facing criminal charges to better your winning chances.
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